I often get asked how I ventured into the field of cosmetic chemistry. People usually say, "Don't I know you from the bank?" Yes, I spent most of my adult life in banking. So, what caused the shift from a corporate environment to one of sheer creativity?

The answer is, my younger daughter. She inspired me when she adopted a more natural, holistic lifestyle and wanted the products she used, and by extension what we all used, to be more natural. This led to the creation of Divine Creations. “Divine, because the focus is on the “Divine Feminine” as is depicted in our logo. What began as a project for my daughter, soon became my passion. This journey, however, didn't come out of nowhere; I have always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. My grandparents ran a small grocery store where I grew up. That store was where I first learned to interact with customers. While my daughter was the inspiration, that grocery, along with the inheritance of my Dad's creative gene, was the foundation.

Divine Creations is not my first entrepreneurial venture. I have explored many aspects of my creativity and tried to turn passion into profit on numerous occasions. However, this is where I have chosen to focus all my energy. If you follow Divine Creations, you'll know that there is always something new in the works. The creative juices are constantly flowing. I am humbled by the great reviews and thankful for the feedback, which allows me to continuously improve. I'm also grateful for the compliments on our packaging, which I take great pride in designing. But that's another story for another time.


By the way, in case you didn't know,

I am Joanne Bird, and I am DIVINE!